Saturday, October 31, 2009

End of October TV post

Here are some updates on what I'm feeling about my slate of TV shows. I'm not going to mention every one, but only the ones where my feelings have changed since last time.

The Forgotten-- I've finally figured out what it is about this show, and it's more than just the Chicago location. It's that they go through each mystery methodically and use logic to solve the cases. Most TV mystery shows these days are more about hunches and improbable coincidences than on good solid sleuthing. What can I say? I'm a very logical person, and I like my mysteries to be the same.

Three Rivers-- I was on the fence about this show, and football overruns have made me give up on it. I don't miss it!

Ugly Betty-- This hadn't started yet last time I posted. The tone has changed a lot since last year. It had become too frothy, and now it is almost too serious. It's clear that this show is on its last legs, and I hope it at least goes out in a satisfying way.

Brothers and Sisters-- It seems like they're trying hard to undo some of the things they did last year. I think Kitty's cancer exists primarily to get her out of that stupid plot where she and Robert weren't getting along. That never felt natural to me anyway. And I wish Kevin and Scotty could for once get a plot of their own, instead of just being stuck a year behind Kitty. She got married, so then they did the next year. She adopted a baby last year, so now they have to. Does that mean Kevin will get some dread disease next year? And I never knew Holly was supposed to be so rich, so it really means nothing to me that she has lost her money.

Dollhouse-- The last episode was awesome and a real game-changer. I can't wait for it to come back from hiatus.

Flashforward-- I continue my love/hate relationship with this show. One week I don't like it at all, and then the next it's great. I'm pretty sure I know what's going on with several of the flash forwards, and I keep watching to find out if I was right.

The Vampire Diaries-- The whole thing with Vicki totally surprised me. I didn't see her getting turned, and in such a casual fashion. And then I totally didn't see her getting staked so soon. I have one question, though. We saw Damon killing the uncle several weeks ago when he escaped. What happened to his body? And hasn't anyone noticed that he's missing?

I'm excited about V starting next week. I never saw the original (movie or TV show), and so it will all be new to me.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Mid-October TV roundup

Ok, every show I wanted to watch, with the exception of Ugly Betty, has now premiered, so I thought I'd give you a summary of my thoughts. I'll go by night because it seems to work best that way.


Heroes-- This show is getting better and better and is actually fun to watch again. Too bad that I may be the only person still watching it!

Castle-- I love this show! Great mysteries and Moonlighting-like chemistry between the leads. What more could I ask for?


The Forgotten-- I know I'm not supposed to like this show, but something about it continues to appeal to me. It may be as simple as the Chicago locations and the fact that I still have a soft spot for that city. All I know is that I keep watching it every week!

The Good Wife-- This show is understated and shows more of the courtroom side of things than most mysteries these days. It kind of reminds me of Matlock. I think that my father would like it very much. I am not crazy about it, but it's well-done enough that I keep watching it for now.


Mercy-- I like this show. It reminds me of Grey's Anatomy in its first season, before it became entirely about sex and improbable diseases. The nurses' work and personal lives are well-balanced, and I like that their lives aren't totally intertwined. And James Tupper isn't quite as annoying as he was at first.

Glee-- This show continues to surprise me. But I really, really, really don't want the guidance counselor to marry the coach. I guess such a situation strikes too close to home to funny to me, even in satire.

Hank-- People seem to be beating up on this show for being an old-school sitcom, but there's nothing wrong with that in and of itself. I'm going to give it some rope to see if it finds its footing or not.

The Middle-- I don't want to like this show, but yet I keep watching it. I don't usually like this kind of sarcastic family comedy, but it is very well done.

Modern Family-- Now here we go! This show has the right balance of elements of the first two-- a hard and sardonic exterior shell, but with a sweet gooey center.

Eastwick-- I like this show more than I expected to. It's nice, escapist fun, and sometimes that's all you want.


Vampire Diaries-- I think a part of me is still stuck back in high school and always will be. Maybe I'm like the vampire in this show, stuck in my teen years forever! At any rate, I do like this show, for the teen element more than the vampire element.

Fringe-- This show is finally hitting its stride! I love the risks they have taken, such as making Olivia walk around with a quad cane for several episodes. Heroes in these kind of action shows always heal impossibly quickly, and heroines hardly ever even get injured, so it's been wonderful to see them make her so human. Olivia Dunham is a real person, not some sex symbol, and it makes me sad that such a large part of the criticism of this show is that she's not "womanly" enough. What do you think a real-life FBI agent is like? And Dana Scully wasn't exactly all pink flounces and giggles either, you know. Another example of how much our culture has changed in the past 20 years.

FlashForward-- To be honest, I was about ready to give up on this show, but this week pulled me in again. Still, there's something about it that's not quite right, and the main reason I keep watching is in the hopes that one day we'll find out what happened.

Community-- Now that they've moved this show to 8 pm, it's in competition with both FlashForward and The Vampire Diaries for my attention. Since I've decided to stick with FlashForward for now, that means Community has to fall out of my line-up. I'm not sure if I'll watch it online or not. Somehow, I think I can live without it.

Parks and Recreation-- See above.

The Mentalist-- This show is as good as ever. Like The Good Wife, I watch it mainly because of the high production values.


Dollhouse-- This show reset more after the events of the season finale than I would have expected. I do like having Agent Ballard in the Dollhouse now. Since he's so drawn to Echo, it makes sense for him to be her handler. I'm just sad that we've seen so little of Victor and Sierra so far.


Three Rivers-- Only one episode in, it's hard to make too many judgments about this show. Honestly, it struck me to be about on a par with Mercy. Do I really want to watch two hospital shows each week? If not, which one will win? Only time will tell!

Brothers and Sisters-- The first episode of the season left me concerned that they've run out of plot. They've found some sort of path since then, but I'm still not exactly sure how much more story this show has. It seems like they've already taken the characters everywhere they need to go.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

An anniversary of sorts

One year ago, something very bad happened to me, but even at the time, I saw that it was a beginning of something new as well as an ending. Truly, this bad thing set into motion a whole chain of events that I could never have imagined, and now, I am so very happy all because of this bad thing that happened. Romans 8:28 says, "All things work together for the good of those that love the Lord," and apparently it is really true!