Thursday, November 14, 2013

Artisanal cheese club, Month 8

Geit-in-Stad--  These goat cheese was amazing!  This is going to sound crazy, but it tasted just like a real high-quality Velveeta.  Even better, it didn't give me headaches.  I ate the whole thing in a matter of a week.

Brazos Cheddar--  A nice white cheddar from Texas.  Not as aggressive as some of the cheddars we've had, it actually tasted like something you might want to put on a sandwich.

Prima Donna--  This was a one-year gouda from Holland.  Very nice, and not as headache-inducing as those that have aged longer.

Gorgonzola Piccante--  A blue cheese from Italy.  It was saltier and sharper than the blues I like best, but it was still very good.