Wednesday, May 20, 2009

If it sounds too good to be true, it is

Ok, so maybe I was a bit optimistic with my previous post, and I don't really have 11 returning shows in the fall at all. First off, it's looking like Privileged isn't coming back after all. (The jury is still out on Reaper, from what I understand.) Second, Chuck and Better Off Ted are being held as midseason replacements, while Friday Night Lights probably won't return until next summer! So my count is actually 6, not 11, which is still better than most years. And the only conflict is Ugly Betty and Dollhouse, which are both airing on Fridays at 9. This conflict is easily resolved, though. I shall watch Dollhouse live (because they need all the live viewing they can get) and tape Ugly Betty to watch over the weekend. Unless I get digital cable again, which I've been considering, and which would mean that I couldn't tape one thing and watch another. But I'm sure Ugly Betty would be available online as it always has been, so there's no conflict there either.

1 comment:

  1. Although the CW is not picking up Reaper, we not giving up yet. ABC Studios is still trying to move the show into syndication or cable. We're advocating all Reaper fans to write their CW affiliates. All links and info here: And don't forget to contact ABC Studios and thank them for not giving up on Reaper.
