Sunday, July 27, 2008

The great escape

So last night I was listening to Elton John, and the song "Philadelphia Freedom" came up, which has never been on the top list of his songs for me, but as I was listening I was pondering the meaning of the song and why he wrote it. So it may come as no surprise to anyone that last night I had a dream about escaping to Omaha. For those of you not in the know, Omaha is the place within an afternoon's driving distance where people from Ames dream of escaping to. Some of you readers might also know of a more personal meaning that city holds for me. Draw your own conclusions.

At any rate, I think the locally equivalent place here is Pittsburgh. I do dream of going there, especially to visit the Mr. Rogers exhibit, which I still haven't seen after 10 years of good intentions, but right now it would be enough for me to escape to Parkersburg, 38 miles away. Draw your own conclusions about that, too.

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